I had such an exam today. It was horror. It was a nightmare. It was a worthy excuse for suicide. Well, that's pushing it a bit. Let's just say it wasn't fun.
Normally, I wouldn't be pleased with a badly made exam ofcourse, but this one is different. I didn't make it well, my closest studentcollegue's didn't make it well. To be honest, the entire group didn't make it well. There even are students from the fourth and last year of university, who are only missing this exam for their graduation, who sat in today. It's that though.
Now, I know my school is famous for it's well trained and knowledgable students, and heavy and difficult exams sure are a way to keep it that way. But exams which are barely do-able? Is that right? I mean, is that the way?
Ofcourse, considering the subject of the exam, Machine Parts, it is logical that the teacher who grades the exam only gives points for correct answers, as opposed to partial points for the calculation itself in addition to the points for the answer.
This is logical because in real life, in my job later on, when I'm designing some sort of Machine Part, I wouldn't want to make any mistake in my calculations. Those mistakes could end up in horrible accidents because of things breaking when they shouldn't and so on.
But given the level of the other exams for other courses in this year of college it just seems illogical to give this course/project now, as it's level exceeds the other courses. By much.
But it's done now, and I highly highly most probably 99,99999% certainty didn't make it. I'll probably get one of the lowest grades possible.
Oh well, maybe next semester.
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