This is a self portrait of a photographer who frequents a forum I also frequent, found here.
I personally think he is incredibly talented. He has this eye for good stuff, stuff I like. And he apparently does it all with a Nikon D70s and 'just' a kitlens 18-70mm DX Nikkor. Goes to show how you do not need heavy and expensive equipment to make truly great shots.
I really suggest you check out his photo portfolio; called Edwin Bol Photography.
It is a shame he doesn't allow for his pictures to be downloaded. Understandable, but I personally wouldn't see any harm in letting people download pictures with the longest side 800px orso. Anyway, if he would allow it, half his portfolio would be downloaded into my Photo-Favorites folder on my computer.
Kudos to him!
I'm adding him to my links list to the right. Check it out!
1 comment:
Hey hallo. Ik zat een beetje te surfen en kom op dit bericht uit. Bedankt man ! Als je wat foto's wilt in klein formaat, wil ik ze wel sturen naar je. Vind het echt tof dat je zo onder de indruk bent !
Edwin Bol
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